- class TMSiFrontend.legends.impedance_legend.ImpedanceLegend(legend_chart, device_type)#
ImpedanceLegend object
- __init__(legend_chart, device_type)#
Initialize the impedance legend
- Parameters:
legend_chart (GraphicsLayoutWidget) – place where to place the legend
()Initialization of the UI of the legend
(legend_chart, device_type)Initialize the impedance legend
(device)Method that generates the legend of the chart
Look up table to convert impedances to color coding
Look up table to convert impedances to color coding
(visible)Set the visibility of the legend
- InitUI()#
Initialization of the UI of the legend
- generate_legend(device)#
Method that generates the legend of the chart
- Parameters:
device (str) – can be saga or apex
- lookup_table_apex()#
Look up table to convert impedances to color coding
- lookup_table_saga()#
Look up table to convert impedances to color coding
- setVisible(visible)#
Set the visibility of the legend
- Parameters:
visible (bool) – True if to set visible, False otherwise