Release Notes V5.3.0.0#
Release date: August 19th, 2024
The current version (V5.3.0.0) of the TMSi Python interface contains new features and a bug fix:
Export possibilities to .csv and .set (EEGLAB data format) formats from all supported file types (.xdf, .poly5, .edf).
Bug fix to the USB-TTL module providing more reliable triggering of SAGA / APEX.
Previous release Notes#
Release date: April 11th, 2024
The current version (V5.2.0.0) of the TMSi Python Interface includes some new functionalities with respect to the previous version (V5.1.1.0). These changes include:
Integration with Cometa’s WaveX system. See the tutorials for detailed information.
Changed default file format (to XDF)
Extended shown features in the PsychoPy examples
- Edits to the TMSiFrontend
Automatic removal offset (at the end of a window, the offset is computed and the plotted signals are brought into the center of the range);
Added scrollbar to show limited signals at the same time, without needing to disable signals;
Added vertical line as marker for Triggers and Marker events;
Extended operability of the Heatmap Plotter.
- Minor bug fixes
Changed SAGA’s bit mask for USB-TTL module;
Changed logic to open a SAGA device via a specific interface type;
Release date: January 22nd, 2024
The current version (V5.1.1.0) of the TMSi Python Interface introduces an update to the PsychoPy plugins compared to the previous version (V5.1.0.0). These changes include:
More extensive ERP paradigm to collect data.
More extensive data analysis pipeline to extract P300 ERP components from the collected data.
Release date: September 13th, 2023
The current version (V5.1.0.0) of the TMSi Python Interface includes some new functionalities with respect to the previous version (V5.0.0.0). These changes include:
Small bug fix for APEX configuration settings
Note that the V5.0.0.0 release was a major release and that the changes in SDK and plotters can include breaking changes for applications that were created using versions below V5.0.0.0 of the interface. Please learn about the changes here.
Release date: August 7th, 2023
The current version (V5.0.0.0) of the TMSi Python Interface includes some new functionalities with respect to the previous version (V4.1.0.0). These changes include:
Integrated APEX and SAGA control in one SDK, making it possible to control both devices in a similar way.
Updated the plotters.
Added new examples.
Configurations should be device specific (ApexConfig or SagaConfig). The previous DeviceConfig is refused.
Note that the V5.0.0.0 release is a major release and that the changes in SDK and plotters can include breaking changes for applications that were created using previous versions of the interface. Please learn about the changes here.
Release date: April 11th, 2023
The current version (V4.1.0.0) of the TMSi Python interface includes some new functionalities with respect to the previous version (V4.0.0.0). These changes include:
New installers to facilitate easy installation
Added envelope plotter for EMG-signals.
Reordering of data measured with HD-EMG grids is automatically applied in Poly5 and XDF reader, as well as during Poly5 to EDF conversion, when HD-EMG channel names are used.
Examples for reading the data of different file formats are combined in
XDF-file meta-data is updated to include the channels in reference.
Added support for the USB-TTL module, so that it can be operated from the TMSi Python Interface directly.
Release date: December 19th, 2022
The current version of the TMSi Python interface (V4.0.0.0) includes some new functionalities with respect to the previous version. These changes include:
Added possibility for offline conversion of .Poly5 files to .EDF files and load this data to MNE, in both single fashion as well as batch conversion.
Updated impedance plotter so that it can be used to disable channels which are suspected to give low-quality signals based on impedance values.
Added support for new Textile HD-EMG grids layouts, both configuration files as well as updates of the plotters
Initial release of the TMSi Python Interface for APEX
Release date: July 29th, 2022
The current version of the TMSi Python interface (V3.0.0.0) includes some new functionalities with respect to the previous version. These changes include:
Added functionality:
Added possibility to synchronise data collected with LSL.
Added an installation script to create a virtual environment with all required libraries.
Added support for the Textile HD-EMG grids.
Added Wi-Fi support, including back-up logging of data.
Added support of card recordings, either to start as backup with a measurement, or by starting with a button press.
Improvements and changes:
Re-work of the architecture to make it robust for future adaptations to the interface.
Change to the way plotter objects are handled, refer to chapter 3 to see the changes.
Improved performance of the interface.
Solved reported bug fixes posted on GitLab.
Release date: December 8th, 2021
The current version (V2.0.0.0) of the TMSi Python interface includes some new functionalities with respect to the previous version. These changes include:
Added functionality:
Added possibility to save data to the XDF file format
Added possibility to save impedance values, both as .txt-file and included in an .XDF file
Added LSL stream writer
Added options to control the full device configuration
Added an HD-EMG heatmap plotter
Improvements and changes:
Improved performance of the interface
Improved error handling of file-writer
Improved performance of different plotters for different screen resolutions
Changed handling of relative imports
Changed location of configuration and location files
Prepared plotter and examples for multi device experiments
Release date: June 10th, 2021
Initial release of the TMSi Python Interface for SAGA